blog – Page 3

How to Motivate Yourself in 10 Easy Steps


Some people fall prey to chronic procrastination and fail to turn their intentions into actions. Others consistently power through low-energy moments and lead more impactful lives.

What separates these two groups?...

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Does the open internet and resources increase equity?

Learning and education

"Salman Khan, founder of Khan Academy, believes that in order to benefit from online learning, people need to take ownership of their education in order to make an impact. "

"But Marc Sollinger from PRI argues that there are still quite a few barriers that prevent Khan's vision of democratized education from becoming reality."

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16 language learning problems that Olly Richards struggles with every day


Olly Richards, who can speak 7 languages, shared his struggle with language learning problems on his blog...

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Do you know how many languages alive in the world today?


Reported from South China Morning Post: "There are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the world today...


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Introducing BBC Schools by CardDia Flashcards

Learning and education

BBC website has provided learning resources for children, parents and teachers, including more than 7,500 clips from BBC programmes...

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